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​郭桢 Guo Zhen
郭桢 | Guo Zhen

沙袋 | Sandbags

郭桢 | Guo Zhen

沙袋 | Sandbags

郭桢 | Guo Zhen

沙袋 | Sandbags

郭桢 | Guo Zhen

沙袋 | Sandbags

​简介 Biography


郭桢​   GUO ZHEN

艺术家,策展人。出生于中国山东日照, 1976 毕业于山东艺术学校美术系,1982年毕业于中国美术学院国画系并留校执教于中国画系,是改革开放后水墨艺术最早的探索者之一。1986赴美国旧金山艺术学院留学,1987年赴加拿大约克大学艺术学院访问学者,1988年在纽约设立郭桢工作室,是活跃在国际艺术界的女性水墨艺术家,美国亚裔当代女性水墨艺术开拓者,参加过多个国际艺术展,并长期致力于国际当代女性艺术的研究和探索。苏富比等国际大拍卖公司多次推动其作品。近几年先后策划和参加了:中国长沙的“存在”国际女性艺术展、美国莫纳当代美术馆的“请触摸,身体边界”大型展览。韩国全北道立美術館“亚洲女性艺术家展览”等。并经常在国内外大学做学术讲座。现为北美艺术家协会会员,美国职业艺术家协会会员,中国美术家协会会员,多座美术大学的客座教授。


artist, curator. Born in Rizhao, Shandong, China, graduated from the Fine Arts Department of Shandong Art School in 1976, and graduated from the China Academy of Art in 1982 and taught at the Chinese Painting Department in China Academy of Art. 1986, she went to study in San Francisco Art College in the United States. In 1987, she visited as a scholar at York University College of Art in Canada. In 1988, she set up Zhen Guo Art Studio in New York. She is a female ink artist active in the international art world and a pioneer of American Asian contemporary female ink art. Participated in many international art exhibitions, and has long been committed to the research and exploration of international contemporary female art. International auction companies such as Sotheby’s have repeatedly promoted their works. In recent years, she has curated and participated in: the “Existence” International Women's Art Exhibition in Changsha, China, and the “Please Touch, Body Boundary” large-scale exhibition at the Mona Museum of Contemporary Art in the United States. "Exhibition of Asian Female Artists", Jeonbukdo Museum of Art, Korea, etc.

#郭桢# Guo Zhen





Space Station

4 Jiuxianqiao Rd, 798 Art Zone,

Chaoyang District

Beijing 100015

+86 10 59789671


周二至周日10:00 - 18:00

Opening Hours:

Tuesday-Sunday 10:00 - 18:00

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