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展览 Exhibition

2018年10月13日 - 11月12日
Dripping Water Cave—Jin Junjie Solo Exhibition

13 October - 12 Nevomber , 2018

作品 Works


简介 About

滴水洞 — 金俊杰个展

“一钩流水一拳山,虎踞龙盘在此间; 灵秀聚钟人莫识,石桥如锁几重关。”




DRIPPING WATER CAVE — Jin Junjie Solo Exhibition


Curated by : Fu Xiaodong

Jin Junjie deployed a triple-image in his second exhibition at Space Station. One of them is the droplet. Such small particles as dust in the clouds, surrounded with vapor,slowly accumulated, forming various droplets. Falling out from the sky, the round droplet became an egg-like flat plate, getting thinner and wider, and, affected by the
air, slowly transformed into something like an inverted plastic bag which broke into many small particles in the end. These droplets, big and small, are the rain that fell on the ground. The second image is the fluid line, which traced the flow and vortices in potential fluids by applying the law of fluid mechanics that there is an interaction
when the fluid is in motion relative to its solid boundary. The third is the hole.Covered by raw lacquer and then scraped, the multi-quality pigments buried under the surface presented in the form of various holes, so that the traces developed as natural as sedimentary rocks.
In Jin’s works, the dynamic lines of traces, pituitary-like or whirlpool-like, and the radiance glowing at different depths got all tangled, rotated and flowed on canvases. The specialties derived from the process of production, the laws of fluid physics, the unexpected of original manual work, and the spiritual mystery. These control and uncontrolled nature formed a unique dazzling picture.

# 滴水洞 # Dripping Water Cave





Space Station

4 Jiuxianqiao Rd, 798 Art Zone,

Chaoyang District

Beijing 100015

+86 10 59789671


周二至周日10:00 - 18:00

Opening Hours:

Tuesday-Sundy 10:00 - 18:00

艺术家 Artists:

金俊杰 Jin Junjie

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