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展览 Exhibition

甲天下 | 叶甫纳个展
Nailhenge - Yu Funa Solo Exhibition

2 July - 31 July, 2016

作品 Works


简介 About




从2014年开始,叶甫纳以“展示癖”的名义开始进行“指甲计划”的召集。在两年中,征集了150多位艺术家投递方案,参与创作。以暂时的、流动性的指甲作为艺术方案的载体,以随身携带的自然生长的方式改造日常生活,对传统美术馆的展览机制进行批判和实验。“指甲计划”在两年之中,被不同城市的艺术机构邀请,完成 24次现场活动。这次在空间站展出的“甲天下——叶甫纳个展”集合装置、绘画、文献,是规模庞大的“指甲计划”的总结展。




对于指甲的关注,是中国最古老的习俗之一。最早出土的周朝金银质的假指甲护套,是一种象征身份地位和权力财富的象征,展示着贵族女性不劳而获的生活方式。“发乎体肤,受之父母”,留长发与留指甲,就成了儒教观念的形象体现。在战国期间,也有指甲囊随葬,焚烧指甲灰治病等匪夷所思的习俗。作为身体的新陈代谢的一部分,指甲就被附会了相思、替身、招魂等巫术涵义。《本草纲目》认为“爪为筋之余”,指甲可以诊断气血、肝血之病。唐朝已经有用金凤花染红指甲的风尚,朱砂的蔻丹,琥珀般诱人,是最早情色意象之一。唐李贺的“蜡光高悬照纱空,花房夜捣红守宫”,描绘了制造指甲染料的场景。1920年受到汽车喷漆的启发,露华浓的Michelle Menard发明了现代意义上第一瓶指甲油。美甲文化在全球化的时代,以其无法抵抗的消费性和日常性,如同毛细血管一般,早已经渗透到不同民族文化的街头巷尾,更有手机APP客户端随时上门服务。裸露的指甲如同素颜一样,已经无法面对公共场所的公开化凝视。美甲也由色相引诱为目的的单纯的红色,发展为女性主体的自我表达。









By: Fu Xiaodong


Since 2014, Ye Funa began to convene “Nail Plan” in the name of “exhibitionism”. In the past two years, she collected more than 150 artists’ deliveries and engaged in the creation. With the temporary and mutative nail as the carrier of art program and in the manner of the bodily natural growth to transform the everyday life, she attempted to criticize the traditional museum exhibition. Among the past two years, various art institutions of various city invited “Nail Plan”. As a result, 24 on-site activities was completed. The exhibition “Nailhenge: Ye funa’s solo Exhibition” at Space Station this time, which assembled a set of installations, paintings and literatures, is a large-scale summary of “Nail Plan”.


Nail polishing, or painting, is a self-beautification and decoration of the body; as a part of daily life of female, it is a mark of the artificial reforming of the natural extremities of the body. As the ancient practice of body aesthetics, then, how Ye convert it into a modern political shape of the right to life?


Nail decoration is one of the oldest customs of China. The earliest gold and silver nail-sheath that unearthed in the ruins of Zhou Dynasty is a symbol of wealth and power. They shown the classy lifestyle of the aristocratic women. As the old saying goes, “It was my own parents who created and endowed my body in the form of skin covered with hairs.” Having long hair and fingernail reflected the image of Confucian ideas. During the Warring States, there are kinds of incredible customs such as burial with nails, nail incineration for treatment and so on. As a part of the body’s metabolism, nails were attached to lovesick, avatars, spiritualism and other witchcraft meanings. “Compendium of Materia Medica” argued that nails are the end of soft tissue. Therefore, according the condition of nails, the doctor can diagnose disease of Qi-blood and liver-blood. There has been a red-nail (colored by garden balsam) fashion in Tang Dynasty. The vermilion Koudan (red-nail) that has amber attractive is one of the earliest erotic imagery. One of Li He’s poem (He was a short-lived Chinese poet of the late Tang Dynasty, known for his dense and allusive use of symbolism, for his use of synecdoche, for his vividly imaginative imagery, and for his otherwise sometimes unconventional style of poetry) -- “The candle atop shines through its thin mantel, at midnight garden balsam being pounded in the garden.” -- depicted the scene of manufacture of nail dye. By 1920, inspired by automotive paint, Revlon’s Michelle Menard first invented the modern nail polish. Just like capillaries, nail culture in the era of globalization, with its overwhelming consumer and normalization, already penetrated into the streets of different cultures, even more, smartphone APPs may allow you to get home service at any time. Bare nails, just like the face without makeup, have been unable to be up against the open gaze in public places. In this sense, nail painting is no longer the striking red for the purpose of lure, but a form of self-expression of female subject. Even if nail painting cannot be understood by the desire subject -- the straight -- transgender self-assertive will be intensified. Surely, “Nail Plan” will become a multi-faceted attempt that will seal the fate of all the possibilities. Although “Nail Plan” has often been mocked as a trivial lowbrow, it is not only a revolution that rise from a little body transformation of individual female, but an occupation of the most frequently used and neglected blank area in every life. How we treat the elapsed time and ourselves is a conceptual that should be changed. “Nail Plan” is undoubtedly inquiring the problem of the self. The concept of “Nailhenge” in the tiny system of female individual, which is in the absence of the right to speak and ignored, focusing on an optional aesthetic consumption, was able to ubiquitously ignite the self-perception of the different histories and respective areas.


Ye launched more than 150 artists that come from different backgrounds to mobilize the different historical origins, backgrounds of knowledge, life experience, daily habits, and religious beliefs. She fully developed all the functions of nails that flow in everyday life. They can be used to record telephone numbers and comments; the hand one can be used as weapon and the soft one masturbation; they can be used in mapping or astrology; they can be decorated with hair or plated; they can be used in virtual reality or augmented reality; in drink and shit and metaphysical affection; in engaging in academic curatorial or selling advertising ... “Join the nail plan and let your everyday life is full of miracles!”


How an ancient custom or an everyday life of the collective unconscious, which is relying on gender awareness and which most people involved in the implementation on the extremities of the body, can be transformed into a contemporary one? Here, as blowout, it prompts the creation, reconstruction, regeneration of consciousness. Your body, your life and your time can also become a work of art. Not only this tiny custom revolution with a social motive, but also the individual who cannot vent her creative got a chance for release in the brief moment that become a new way of linking individual and self, individual and history, individual and group. With the growth of the temporary body, the creation bloomed, expired; leaving it’s fresh and then is preserved in literature.


The exhibition architecture that relies on the mythology of “Five Fingers”, “Stonehenge” reconstructs the tradition and history of the different civilizations. Noble and magnificent rock images were interpreted by everyday popular aesthetic. Ye imitated different kinds of mythologies of creation with nails. It is a creative and vulgar subversion of the divine origin. The mocking laughter and absurdity that informed by the lack of coordination and consistency are rising prevalent. “Nailhenge” is not only a rediscovery of everyday life, but also a reinterpretation. The exhibition simulated an anti-myth and anti-ritual order and established Ye’s own judgment about the cosmos.

#甲天下 # Nailhenge




Space Station

4 Jiuxianqiao Rd, 798 Art Zone,

Chaoyang District

Beijing 100015

+86 10 59789671


周二至周日10:00 - 18:00

Opening Hours:

Tuesday-Sunday 10:00 - 18:00

艺术家 Artist:

叶甫纳 Ye Funa


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