郭宇剑 Guo Yujian
《御轻舟而上溯》 布面油画 70x40cm 2018 | 《令我忘餐》 布面油画 70x40cm 2018 | 《烟火尽散之一》 布面油画 70x40cm 2018 |
《烟火尽散之一》 布面油画 70x40cm 2018 | 《烟火尽散之一》 布面油画 70x40cm 2018 | 《密林深处之三》 布面油画 50x30cm 2018 |
尔有窥乎之十 布面油画 50x40cm 2018 | 《尔有窥乎之七》 布面油画 50x40cm 2018 |
简介 Biography
2018 《白河夜船》个人画展,长沙,前行美术馆;
《丢了名字的人》等作品参加“又见”艺家联展,佛罗伦萨,翠岛画 廊;
2017 《薝蔔林里的人》系列参加“春”艺术家联展,圣彼得堡,蓝色宫殿 画廊;
2016 《臆想中的青年》等作品参加“我从意大利(归)来”艺术展; 北 京,第零空间;
《不说话的女人》参加“第二届中意青年艺术家联展”,北京,奥加 美术馆;
2015 《奥雷里亚诺》等作品参加“当量”艺术展,长沙,后湖美术馆;
2013 《Uccello》等作品参加”Wet painting”艺术展,佛罗伦萨,弗雷迪 亚诺画廊;
《风调雨顺》系列参加首届中意青年艺术家联展;,佛罗伦萨,美第 奇宫;
Guo Yujian,
1992,Born in Changsha,Hunan Province,China
2015,B.A. Painting of Academy of Fine Art,Florence,Italy
Now live and work in Changsha.
2018 Awake or Asleep,solo exhibition,Changsha,Advance art museum
Lost the name in The encounter exhibition,Florence,Treeland Gallery
Your secret 1in The visual field exhibition,Tianjin,Binhai art
2017 A people in the Campaka in The spring exhibition,St.Petersburg,
Blue Palace gallery
Via Della Colonna 25 ,solo exhibition,Changsha,ArtOBJ Gallery
2016 A Ditzy Teenager,works in the I Come from Italy exhibition,Beijing,
Zero Gallery
A Blonde Lady,works in the International Exhibition of original Works,Changsha,Wuxing Gallery
Coming in the 54 Youth Exhibition,Changsha,Li Gallery
A Silent Women in The second exhibition of young artists in China and Italy,Beijing,A.C. Gallery
2015 Aoleilinuo in the Equivalent Exhibition,Changsha,Houhu Gallery
Nave in the Erasmus Exhibition,Florence,Piazza of Santa Maria Novella
2013 Ucello,works in the Wet painting Exhibition,florence,Frediano Farsetti Gallery
Caturmaharajakayikas in The first exhibition of young artists in China and Italy,Florence,Palace Medici
# 郭宇剑 #Guo Yujian
Space Station
4 Jiuxianqiao Rd, 798 Art Zone,
Chaoyang District
Beijing 100015
+86 10 59789671
周二至周日10:00 - 18:00
Opening Hours:
Tuesday-Sunday 10:00 - 18:00